Cassandra Reid
Investment Portfolio Manager
Cassandra has always enjoyed building human-centric relationships at work as she believes it is the best way to learn how to create more value and understand customer requirements in a business. She finds working in real estate gives her great satisfaction by knowing she is able to help people through major times and decisions in their lives.
Being in the customer service industry for 6+ years previously allowed Cassandra to know the real estate industry was the best career path for her and having that in mind Cassandra went on to get her Agent’s Representative Certificate in 2018 whilst working full time in investment properties. In 2020 Cassandra became a fully Licensed Estate Agent while managing and looking after properties in the South Eastern suburbs in Victoria. The different daily challenge that the real estate industry provides is what appeals most to Cassandra and she credits this aspect for improving her communication skills, problem-solving skills and strategic planning skills.
Cassandra believes the key to enjoying her job is to ensure she listens to the client’s expectations, maintains a high level of integrity and deliver an excellent service with a positive attitude every day because we are helping someone’s dream come true.
During her spare time, Cassandra likes to explore her culinary skills and try out different cuisines with her spouse because “there is no love sincerer than the love of food” (George Bernard Shaw)