This month saw the 12 year anniversary of our business and it’s been an amazing ride through those years with plenty of highs and lots of fun had by all. This month also saw the anniversary of Kate who has been with us this whole time and what a positive change we have seen in her real estate career over those years. One of the highlights of her career was the recent recognition she received as an Elite agent within the Ray White group. This places her within the top 1% of agents in the group, a fantastic result.
This month also saw our annual retreat and this year it was a one day event conducted at the MCG. We had a number of speakers from both real estate and other topics with a major focus this year on personal development. We also awarded a number of our team for the results of the last twelve months. Our salesperson of the year award was won for the first time by Chaminda and his team. This is a fantastic result and very well deserved. Chaminda beat Paul Ringeri and his team by only two sales for the year in a very close fought race. Well done to both on such an amazing result. Kate was the very worthy winner of our growth award as a result of her amazing overall year and elevation to Elite status. Brandon also received a special mention for the best first year results achieved in the history of the Cranbourne office, well done Brandon. Our property management award was won by Bree and Kyle for the year, another very well deserved result. The director’s award this year was won by a very worthy winner in Maureen Borg. Maureen is such a hard worker and often not recognised in the public arena so a great result also. Well done to all our award winners.
Our sales department was very busy again this month with the market remaining strong. As has been consistent over the last few months the market remained tight with listing numbers remaining low and buyer demand continuing to be strong. This is producing some amazing results in price for our vendors. The stand outs for the month were Kate and Paul in the sales department. The rental department had a massive drop in application numbers from our PB last month. This was also reflected in a drop in our letting numbers. The winners of our property managers for the month were again Bree and Kyle. Our new business department was very busy during the month after an usually quiet month in June.
Overall the market remains very strong as we approach spring.