Well I have done it, Tough Mudder 2012 is complete and what an experience it was
It may take a week for the final pieces of mud to be removed from my pores and I may have sore joints and muscles and be walking like an 80 year old but the sense of achievement is fantastic.
The course was definitely tough and the weather was in our favor with mild conditions and some cloud cover. The mud was fresh and the ice bath was nice and refreshingly cold.
The toughest challenge was the half pipe at the very end, after running 20 kilometers trying to get up a wet and slippery half pipe was tough. The downhill slip and slide was defiantly the fun part although I did have second thoughts about the run and dive headfirst theory half way down. The mile of mud, wading and swimming through was interesting and of course, the electric shock at the very end was “different”. Easy to say that the beer at the end was the most deserving ever.
The one thing that really stood out all day was the comradery shown by all tough mudders. People who had never met before or will never meet again were happy to help out with a lift over a wall, a pull out of the mud, or a word of encouragement to just keep going.
The answer to the question about why, because it was a challenge and the answer to the next question is yes I will being doing it again next year too.
Check out the Video Footage HERE

Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder Course Map