Sell with Confidence
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Selling Tips

Create Street Appeal

    Give the exterior of your home a wash. Professionals can be hired to do this for a fee of approximately $500. If you prefer a DIY approach, use a soft wash technique rather than a water blasting. This isn’t expensive and can really give a lift to your paint work. Remember not to forget your fence, deck, gates and paths.

Maximise Available Sunlight

    Sunlight is one of the universal requirements when viewing homes so make sure you make the most of it. Tree pruning may provide a real bonus if it allows more light into your home.

Adding Potted Plants

    The careful placement of some pot plants around the entrance of your home can lend a touch of colour and make your home feel more welcoming. The best feature of adding pot plant is that you can take them when you sell your home.

Keep The Lawns Neat and Tidy

    Keeping the lawn mown regularly is a simple way to add to the presentation of your home. Give them a trim weekly ensuring the edges are also included.

Get Rid of Garden Rubbish

    Garden rubbish is unsightly and detracts the appeal away from your garden, but it’s easy for each of us not to see it because we are used to it being there. So if you have a pile of stuff, get rid of it. This goes for the garage, sheds and any outbuilding. Another tip is to keep rubbish bins stored out of sight.


    Pets should be kept well out of the way during open homes. You may cherish your pet but some people may not share the love that you have for them.

Have a Spring Clean

    Houses should be thoroughly cleaned and de-cluttered. Anything that detracts from a potential sale needs to be thrown out or stored off site. Sounds obvious but a spring clean can make all the difference. Carpet cleaning can help make a home look and even smell much more inviting, particularly if you have pets. In addition, when windows sparkle the whole house can take on more vitality and life.